On the last day of this month, I’ll be partaking in a concert for diversity and equality at Katarina Kyrkan, a beautiful church on the South side of Stockholm, Södermalm. The church is part of Katarina Församlingen which includes Allhelgonakyrkan, Sweden’s most highly-attended church. When I was there the first time, I was struck by …

Fiddling around, 10 yrs in Sweden
Hej! Hey! ¡Hola hola caracola! Firstly, apologies for the quietness…it’s been a busy time since Pet Sounds…speaking of which, there will be footage available soon! Promise! Nextly, I’ve been compiling fiddle-work I’ve done for various artists over the years, and here’s what I’ve come up with so far…more to come, so stay tuned! It’s …

Fall footage and T-shirts!!
So I’ve finally gotten around to posting some pics of some friends of mine who are proud owners of the official Diipak t-shirt – check it out on the photos page! (click on thumbnails to enlarge…the images). If you’re interested in the t-shirt, they go for 150 SEK (around 20 bucks), and if you want …

Looking back, looking ahead – 2013 and beyond!
2013 has been an exciting year in many ways! There was the release-party at a packed Mosebacke, Flatenbadet, the Urkult folk and world music festival in Northern Sweden, Fotografiska Museet, Engelen, and of course the interesting yet classy gig at Nordiska Kompaniet. Not to mention the t-shirts and this cool new website created by Felix …

Urkult Success and Upcoming Fotografiska gig!
Wow, what an amazing Urkult experience! Definitely the most fun gig I’ve had, fantastic crowd, they gave us 2 xtra numbers (we took something like 5), and they still wanted more! But we “quit while we were ahead” and enjoyed hanging out (despite the fact that someone stole my iPhone…left it on a table to …

Urkult, Fotografiska and more!
Summer is here and going by – like life – at record speed! I’ve been blessed to have the chance to go to “home-squared” which for me is New England, USA. Besides keeping the kids happy by frequenting the beach, I’ve had the chance to jam a few times which is something I do miss …

Video from release party up on youtube!
Some footage from the release party for Dogma which was held at the historic Etablissemanget Mosebacke in Stockholm on January 18th, 2013. Dogma is available online through itunes, Spotify, and many other channels (check out the widgets on the side-bar), or you can even get a hard copy by writing to diipak@diipak.org or through the contact page …

Me, Wiehe and Afzelius
I know, to any Swede reading this, that’s a lofty pairing of names, or it takes “chutzpah” to put my name next to those giants of Swedish songwriting (and singing), to use the Yiddish vernacular. But discovering particularly these two artists, and getting to meet and have contact with one of them (the living one, …